
Here's how to use paint!

Use this application to sketch for fun, to relax, or to create your own masterpiece!


Start painting by holding down and dragging your mouse on the canvas.

Select a color by hovering over the "colorbar" at the top. Your chosen color will appear at the side.

Click on the red "eraser" button to toggle the eraser on and off.

Color Model

We use the HSB (hue, saturation, brightness) color model.

This means that all the colors at the "colorbar" on top match well together as they represent all the hues at one saturation and brightness

Use the sliders in the toolbox to adjust the saturation, brightness, and opacity of your chosen color, as well as the "colorbar" up top.

The brush weight slider changes the size of your brush. To help you visualize this, the circle underneath is an accurate representation of your brush size.

Created by Tanvi Namjoshi.

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